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Your information

Name (required):

E-mail (required):

Mobile number (required):

Wedding location + address (required):

Prepping location + address (required):

Wedding time (hh:mm):

Bride wants to be ready at (hh:mm):

Your question or message to us:


Total cost: 0,00


Found a package you like? Book it above, or make your own package by selecting those options that fit your wishes.

The happy couple

x Bridal hairdo | test in studio €182 / person
x Bridal hairdo | on location €182 / person
x Bridal make-up | test in studio €182 / person
x Bridal make-up | on location €182 / person
x Groom haircut | in studio €50 / person
x Groom trimmer | in studio €31 / person
x Groom barber | in studio €75 / person
x Groom hairstyling | on location €50 / person
x Groom beard styling | on location €25 / person

Family & friends

x Brushing | short hair €37 / person
x Brushing | long hair €49 / person
x Brushing + trim | short hair €55 / person
x Hair updo | medium long €49 / person
x Hair updo | long €61 / person
x Haircut | trim €19 / person
x Hair drying | dryer + by hand €13 / person
x Curls | curling iron, short hair €31 / person
x Curls | curling iron, long hair €49 / person
x Straightening | steampod, short hair €31 / person
x Straightening | steampod, long hair €49 / person
x Suite make-up | in studio €73 / person
x Suite make-up | on location €97 / person
x Only eyes make-up | in studio €31 / person
x Only eyes make-up | on location €55 / person
x Touch-up make-up | in studio €43 / person
x Touch-up make-up | on location €67 / person
x Teenage make-up (12y-16y) | in studio €43 / person
x Teenage make-up (12y-16y) | on location €55 / person
x Kiddo make-up (-12y) | in studio €19 / person
x Kiddo make-up (-12y) | on location €31 / person


x Flower comb | Custom made €79 / person
x Flower crown | XL €182 / person
x Flower crown | Normal €121 / person
